Quick start
This is a quick start tutorial for Mist. We will cover local installation details, then discuss how to develop and deploy Mist Functions and launch them in different Spark slusters.
Vocabulary. The next terms are used in this document:
- Function - user code with Spark program to be deployed on Mist
- Artifact - file (.jar or .py) that contains a Function
- Mist Master - an application that manages functions, jobs, workers, and expose public interfaces
- Mist Worker - Spark driver application that actually invokes function (Mist Master automatically spawns its Workers)
- Context - settings for Mist Worker where Function is being executed (spark settings + worker mode)
- Job - a result of the Function execution
- mist-cli - command line tool for Mist
You can install Mist from binaries or run it in docker. Docker image also has Apache Spark binaries for a quick start. From 1.1.0 Mist also support scala 2.12.
- binaries: http://repo.hydrosphere.io/hydrosphere/static/
- docker https://hub.docker.com/r/hydrosphere/mist/
Run docker image
We have prebuilt Mist for 2.2.0
, 2.3.0
, 2.4.0
Spark versions.
Version of distributive is a combination of Mist and Spark versions.
For example the latest Mist release for Spark 2.3.0
version looks like this: mist:1.1.3-2.4.0
# Scala 2.11
docker run -p 2004:2004 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
# Scala 2.12
docker run -p 2004:2004 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
Run from binaries
- Download Spark
- Download Mist and run
# Scala 2.11
wget http://repo.hydrosphere.io/hydrosphere/static/mist-1.1.3.tar.gz
tar xvfz mist-1.1.3.tar.gz
cd mist-1.1.3
SPARK_HOME=${path to spark distributive} bin/mist-master start --debug true
# Scala 2.12
wget http://repo.hydrosphere.io/hydrosphere/static/mist-1.1.3-scala-2.12.tar.gz
tar xvfz mist-1.1.3-scala-2.12.tar.gz
cd mist-1.1.3
SPARK_HOME=${path to spark distributive} bin/mist-master start --debug true
Check how it works
Mist has build-in UI where you can:
- manage functions
- run jobs, check results, see additional info (status, logs, etc)
- manage workers
By default UI is available at http://localhost:2004/ui.
Build your own function
Mist provides typeful library for writing functions in scala/java and special dsl for python. For a quick start please check out a demo project. Demo setup includes:
- build setup (sbt/mvn/setup.py)
- configuration files for
# install mist-cli
pip install mist-cli
// or
easy_install mist-cli
# clone examples
git clone https://github.com/Hydrospheredata/hello_mist.git
cd hello_mist/scala
# build function and send its settings to mist
sbt package
mist-cli apply -f conf -u ''
# run it. ?force=true flag forces synchronous execution. By default function is executed in async mode
curl -d '{"samples": 10000}' "http://localhost:2004/v2/api/functions/hello-mist-scala/jobs?force=true"
cd hello_mist/java
# build function and send its settings to mist
mvn package
mist-cli apply -f conf -u ''
# run it
curl -d '{"samples": 10000}' "http://localhost:2004/v2/api/functions/hello-mist-java/jobs?force=true"
cd hello_mist/python
# build function and send its settings to mist
python setup.py bdist_egg
mist-cli apply -f conf -u ''
# run it
curl -d '{"samples": 10000}' "http://localhost:2004/v2/api/functions/hello-mist-python/jobs?force=true"
NOTE: here we use force=true
to get job result syncronously in the same http req/resp pair,
it could be useful for quick jobs, but you should not use that parameter for long-running jobs
Please check reactive interfaces API as well.
Scala - more details
lazy val sparkVersion = "2.3.0"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.hydrosphere" %% "mist-lib" % "1.1.3",
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % sparkVersion % "provided",
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % sparkVersion % "provided",
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-hive" % sparkVersion % "provided",
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming" % sparkVersion % "provided"
import mist.api._
import mist.api.dsl._
import mist.api.encoding.defaults._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
// function object
object HelloMist extends MistFn with Logging {
override def handle = {
// declare an input argument with name `samples` and type `Int` and default value `10000`
// we could call it by sending:
// - {} - empty request, n will be taken from default value
// - {"samples": 5 } - n will be 5
arg[Int]("samples", 10000)
// declare that we want to have access to mist extras
// we could use a internal logger from it for debugging
.onSparkContext((n: Int, extras: MistExtras, sc: SparkContext) => {
import extras._
logger.info(s"Hello Mist started with samples: $n")
val count = sc.parallelize(1 to n).filter(_ => {
val x = math.random
val y = math.random
x * x + y * y < 1
val pi = (4.0 * count) / n
Java - more details
import static mist.api.jdsl.Jdsl.*;
import mist.api.Handle;
import mist.api.MistFn;
import mist.api.jdsl.JEncoders;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
// function class
public class HelloMist extends MistFn {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
public Handle handle() {
// declare an input argument with name `samples` and type `Int` and default value `10000`
// we could call it by sending:
// - {} - empty request, n will be taken from default value
// - {"samples": 5 } - n will be 5
return withArgs(intArg("samples", 10000)).
// declare that we want to have access to mist extras
// we could use a internal logger from it for debugging
onSparkContext((n, extras, sc) -> {
logger.info("Hello Mist started with samples:" + n);
List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) {
long count = sc.parallelize(l).filter(i -> {
double x = Math.random();
double y = Math.random();
return x*x + y*y < 1;
double pi = (4.0 * count) / n;
return pi;
Python - more details
import os
from setuptools import setup
install_requires=["pyspark==2.3.0", "mistpy==1.1.3"]
from mistpy.decorators import *
import random
# Here we declare a function that takes `pyspark.SparkContext` and one optional int argument and
# declare an input argument with name `samples` and type `int` and default value `10000`
# we could call it by sending:
# - {} - empty request, n will be taken from default value
# - {"samples": 5 } - n will be 5
arg("samples", type_hint=int, default = 10000)
def hello_mist(sc, n):
def inside(p):
x, y = random.random(), random.random()
return x * x + y * y < 1
count = sc.parallelize(xrange(0, n)) \
pi = 4.0 * count / samples
return {'result': pi}
Connect to your existing Apache Spark cluster
Note For this section it’s recommended to use mist from binary distributive. Using mist from docker and connecting it to remote cluster requires additional networking configuration.
By default Mist is trying to connect local[*]
Spark Master. See Spark configuration docs for more details.
Configuring a particular function to be executed on a different Spark Cluster is as simple as changing spark.master
configuration parameter for function’s context
- create a new
file with the following settings:hello_mist/scala/conf/10_cluster_context.conf
model = Context name = cluster_context data { spark-conf { spark.master = "spark://IP:PORT" } }
is a section where we could set up or tune spark settings for a context - set
context = cluster_context
- send changes to mist:
mist-cli apply -f conf
Yarn, Mesos and Kubernetes cluster settings are managed the same way. Please, follow to official guides:
- Yarn
- Mesos
- Kubernetes
Also there is docker image of spark 2.3.0 hydrosphere/spark:2.3.0 that can be used
Note It may be required to correctly configure host
values to make mist visible from outside - see configuration page
Mist uses spark-submit
under the hood, if you need to provide environment variables for it, just set it up before launching Mist Master.
To get a more information about how mist works and how to configure contexts check following pages: